Due Diligence Email for 
Joshua Tate

Joshua Wants To Investigate 24/7 Further



Subject:  => Joshua, More Information For Your Review! <=

Hi Joshua :-)

It was great talking with you again! As we discussed, we
are sending links for you to continue with your due diligence.
These sites and pages will allow you to further explore and
better understand our marketing system:

This is the link to your 24/7 FastTrack site:

This link will take you to your FastTrack Backoffice
(username 02byprana):

This will link you to the How It Works (3 sections) page:

This goes to the Why It Works page:

This is the Automated Sponsoring Tools page:

This link will take you to your FastTrack Prototype site:
{FastTrack Prototype Domain}

Here is the link to your MLM Resource Center Prototype:
{MRC Prototype Domain}

As you are reviewing this information, there are a few things
you may want to be thinking about:

1) You (and your team) are going to use some sort of system
to market your Income Stream #1 business, no matter what. Would
you prefer to profit from the marketing system or refer that
business to other advertising and lead sources?

2) 24/7 FastTrack generates automatic enrollments, not
leads. Would your team be more successful interviewing new
members as compared to calling leads?

3) Do you think it would be safer and more profitable to
generate multiple streams of income (seamlessly and
simultaneously) or just a single income stream?

Of course, you’re the only one who can answer these questions.
Whatever decision you come to, we're sure it will be the right
decision for you.

Give us a call after you have reviewed all of this information
and we can chat again. as always, be sure to jot down your
questions. We look forward to talking with you again.

See you @ the top,
Cindy Weinkauf
24/7 MultiMedia Marketing
(715) 675-1727