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Hi Tech Meets High Touch!

The How It Works section demonstrates our unique viral marketing system and how your Internet Vending Machine generates automatic enrollments into your business. This vitally important component is the High Tech aspect of 24/7 FastTrack.

The High Touch components of the system are equally important and will go a long way to determining the long-term success of your business. We have explained one High Touch component, The Interview Process, in great detail. Click here to learn more »

The second crucial High Touch component is the Personal Mentoring System. Each FastTrack PRO member is assigned a professional, personal mentor.  24/7 FastTrack Mentors are leaders who have proven themselves in the field - they have had major success in sponsoring and team building. All of our mentors are certified ... so you can be confident that you AND your team are being guided by the best of the best!

These are just a few of the reason why our mentoring program offers proven results.

Proven Track Records ... 24/7 FastTrack Mentors know what it takes to succeed.  All of our Mentors have personally sponsored other members into their business.  Someone who knows exactly what it takes to build a home business will take you by the hand and walk you through the success blueprint.
Top Industry Leaders ... 24/7 FastTrack Mentors are trained and certified by our Executive Mentors. Executive Mentors are part of the 24/7 Core Leadership team.  That means, not only are you being trained by the best, but your mentor has also been trained by one of the very top leaders in the network marketing industry.
Unparalleled Duplication ... 24/7 FastTrack Mentors are assigned to ALL 24/7 FastTrack members.  Not only will you be trained and mentored by one of the top people on our team, but so will YOUR team members.  Imagine, a team of 100s or even 1000s all being mentored by someone who has had proven success.
Accountability ... 24/7 FastTrack Mentors will assist you in tracking your weekly activity and progress.  We are always more productive when we have someone to hold us accountable. Your 24/7 FastTrack Mentor will monitor your activity level and business plan. Your mentor is not there to build your business for you but rather to teach you the work ethic, techniques and attitude you need to succeed.
Synergy ... 24/7 FastTrack Mentors are positive, determined & forward thinking people. That does not mean they will always tell you what you want to hear.  It means they will always tell you what you need to hear. Your mentor, along with your sponsor, are your support team. Their primary goal is to assist you in building a highly profitable business. 
Weekly Success Seminars ... 24/7 FastTrack Mentors will schedule weekly sessions, either individually or in a group, where you can ask questions and learn.  They are the best resource for gaining the knowledge you need to be successful.  No more enrolling in a network marketing program, only to be dropped and left to fend for yourself.  Your mentor will always be there to guide you.
Automation ... With optional 24/7 Automated Sponsoring Tools, anybody can succeed. When the tools do almost 100% of the busy work, duplication is a breeze. Choose the tools that fit your needs and add them to your 24/7 FastTrack System. Share them with your team and watch your business 'virtually' explode.            

With 24/7 FastTrack, mentoring makes the difference! 24/7 offers a duplicable system that grows your business geometrically and an industry expert to guide you every step of the way. The only missing piece to the success puzzle is YOU! Are you up to the task?



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